Thursday, July 30, 2009

A New England Girl in Green Bay Packer Territory

Dear Mr. Favre:

I recently found myself in the Green Bay area, and had the “pleasure” of dining in your “steak house.” I have a bone to pick with you…

First of all, are you trying to kill me? Since when is a baked potato served with more ounces of butter, sour cream and cheese than the potato itself? Granted, I’m in Wisconsin. I will deal with the cheese. But to have a potato so dripping in butter fat is not okay.

Shall I discuss the ambience? You’re a good looking guy, but I don’t want to look at you that much. Wall to wall, side by side, nothing but pictures of you. No other memorabilia from your time in Green Bay - it was less a restaurant and more a Brett Favre portrait museum that happened to serve food. This sentiment has nothing to do with me being from New England. I wouldn’t even want to look at Tom Brady that much. And he’s a really good looking guy.

There were six in our party. Our bread basket had five rolls. People eat carbs these days. Accept it.

We started with the chilled seafood platter. Since the dish is described as chilled, our expectation was that it would be cold, perhaps served on ice. There is nothing good about eating room temperature oysters. Nothing. Especially in Wisconsin – you’re nowhere near the ocean. Ewww.

About 30 minutes after our starter, the salad course was served. Unremarkable. It was more like dressing soup, garnished with some lettuce.

The entrees were actually pretty good. No need to provide constructive criticism – we all legitimately enjoyed our steaks (and roast chicken, for the one red meat hold out of the group). As I previously mentioned, the baked potato could have done with a little less saturated fat. After all, isn’t it supposed to be a relatively healthy side dish?

Only two of us ordered dessert. The carrot cake was good, but a little heavy. I’ll own that, and give you a thumbs up. The key lime pie was also well received – and by a New York Football Giants fan nonetheless.

All in all, I’d say the food was okay, the décor a bit extravagant. But I didn’t see any Super Bowl XXXI memorabilia from where I was sitting, so you’re off the hook for that one.

Best of luck in your retirement. I hope you enjoy a full summer off before you change your mind and look for a new place to play ball.

A Wannabe Foodie

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