Sunday, August 2, 2009

Do You Want to Be the Next Food Network Star?

Tonight is the finale of the current season of The Next Food Network Star. The excitement and anticipation are building… Who will be the next Food Network Star? Will it be Jeffrey or Melissa?

The Food Network ran a marathon today of the entire season of their competition reality show. Even though I've been watching it all along, it was a great opportunity for me to re-acquaint myself with the finalists and decide once and for all who I want to win.

Now, even though I enjoy this show and have gotten sucked in, I do need to say that while entertaining, The Next Food Network Star is no Top Chef. (Nor is Top Chef Masters, but that's a column for another day...)

One by one, the finalists were eliminated.

Jennifer, the modern day housewife, who got to prepare one dish and was told by the selection committee that she should have served nothing instead.

Brett, the guy who helped a fellow competitor plate her dish and then wanted to take all the credit for her success in that episode. (Dude, you would have had to give her the recipes and prepare the food in order to get credit. You just helped her plate. Let it go, or go home. Oh yeah, that’s the episode you got sent home…)

Eddie, the chef who thought he was better than everyone else on the show, but who couldn’t manage to put together a dish that I’d even want to consider eating, let alone watch him prepare. Buh-bye, Eddie.

Teddy, who I thought was auditioning to host a game show instead of a cooking show. He also seemed to have some “integrity issues,” so his departure was not only welcomed by me, but I’m sure his fellow finalists weren’t shedding any tears either.

Katie, the healthy cook, whose point of view I loved, but I think her food would have made me sick (because she couldn’t seem to actually cook it). I liked Katie, and wished she could have done better, but there is nothing healthy about a raw turkey burger.

Michael, the talented flamboyant chef who unfortunately couldn’t be himself in front of the camera. Part of me thinks Michael may have been a little too over the top for the Food Network, but he was entertaining and it was sad to see him go.

Jamicka, who started so strong but somehow managed to get worse instead of better with each episode. And she got so boring, that I just don't have anything to say about her.

And Debbie, the one who was the absolute best on the camera challenges but who seemed to know only how to lie to the selection committee whenever something didn’t go her way. Debbie, you know you were supposed to use the capers. It’s on film. Don’t act so surprised.

And that leaves us with just Melissa and Jeffrey. Melissa is the home cook who stretches a budget and cooks great meals for her family. Jeffrey likes to “cook without borders.” I’m not really sure what that means – I think it’s a metaphor for not actually having a culinary point of view.

I’m writing this before I see the final episode, but I’m going to put a stake in the ground and give my non-existent vote to Melissa. She seems to represent a key demographic of the Food Network – mom’s who like to cook and learn new things, but need to feed a family on a budget. But I believe she can also appeal to those who aren’t just like her. I’m not married, I don’t have any children, but I’m conscious of how much food costs and I want to learn to cook good food on a budget. In my opinion, Melissa definitely has a broader appeal. I would watch her show.

Jeffrey just doesn’t do it for me. His ideas don’t appeal to me, they don’t excite me and make me want to cook. And I don’t understand how his show would be that different than Big Daddy’s House, or Boy Meets Grill.

In less than two hours, we’ll know who the winner is. Whoever it is (hopefully Melissa!!), I hope their show lasts for more than one season. If I’m remembering this correctly, this is the fifth season of the show, and only two previous winners are still on the air. A 50% success rate is better than the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise, but doesn’t really put the odds in the winner’s favor. Melissa or Eddie will get a show, but it doesn’t mean they will be the next Food Network star. There’s only room for one Bobby Flay, after all.

The Next Food Network Star may be a poor man’s Top Chef, but it’s still entertaining.

And for those who disagree, Top Chef Vegas starts in a few short weeks!!!

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