Friday, August 21, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Just some random thoughts about food and cooking to start the weekend...

Whoever said steaming doesn’t count as cooking didn’t just enjoy the same lobster and steamer dinner that I did. (PS, Kerrygold garlic and herb butter is a phenomenal accompaniment to lobster and steamers!)

Is it called a disher because it dishes out ice cream, or is it called a dish of ice cream because of the disher?

What would happen if Rachael Ray lost her voice?

How is New American Cuisine related to French Nouvelle Cuisine? Isn’t one American and the other French?

And why isn’t there an Old American Cuisine?

Baking brownies in cupcake tins means that I don’t have to publically admit that I cannot neatly cut a pan of brownies.

When I was a kid, I made brownies and accidentally used twice the amount of oil. Not sure which is worse – the fact that I screwed up a box mix, or the fact that I still ate the brownies.

Why does the grocery store stock pine nuts in the baking needs aisle? (At least mine does…)

Ever hear of potato dice? Ask my brother…

If we keep eating heirloom tomatoes, will there be nothing left to inherit?

Why does fresh mozzarella taste absolutely nothing like the shredded kind you buy in a bag?

I can’t stop thinking about that herb and garlic butter, and how good it would taste with a bowl of popcorn.

Hmm, popcorn.

I love to eat ceviche, but every time I attempt to make it at home I get freaked out and throw it away. Why do I trust a restaurant to cook my fish in citrus juice, but not myself?

I had to get acrylic fingernails to protect my fingers from the knife. Seriously… several knife wounds later, in fact.

If anyone read my second post, the review of Brett Favre's Steak House in Green Bay (see July 2009 archives), I'm sure you've noticed that my prediction of him not staying retired has come true. I wonder if they pictures of Favre in a Vikings uniform will be well received by his patrons.

Still a foodie wannabe, and not so much a foodie…

Bon appétit!

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